For a long time I have been observing one thing in people that lot of them crave for either admiration or pity. I think that gives them the happiness of being important or great.
As we admire people who are greater than us, there are two ways to get admiration. Prove or at least say that you are better than others in certain areas. You could talk about the extra work u have done in the office (Eventhough its for ur own incentives wrap the fact with things "just doing a favor for my frnd" or "i am doing it becoz it helps the company to grow") or about ur past achievements like "I bowled Laxman many times while practicing, he says i am best the bowler compared to srinath (You probably met him once in LB Stadium while taking an autograph)" or "Mahesh babu used to copy my maths homework". We come across many ppl like that, in buses, in trains, mainly while traveling. Because when I am not going see ur face for second time, i could say whatever i want to say. This is type-1 of getting admiration from others, where you boast yourself about ur virtues, values u have, the achievements you have made (Does not matter, true or false) If you does not have anything to boast about yourself , praise your caste, religion, your skin color, the region you belong to ....etc etc
The type-2 method is a cruel one. In this method, you will degrade the otherperson so that you are relatively better than him, so you deserve admiration. This is theory of relativity. "You belong to lower caste, i belong to upper one so respect me, admire me because god has chosen me to give birth as uppercast fellow not you" or "oooh, dude, look at him he is black as coal, in the darkness you can only see his eyes n teeth" or "i am a man, as a lady you are weaker than me, so obey me, even Bharateeya samskruti sampradayalu supports me", "i belong to that religion which is better than yours".
If you have more area of land in your control then you are better than others. Might be this is the reason for half of the wars happened in the history. Alexander thought if he could conquer the world he would be the greatest of all in the world, deserving un-ending admiration Every religion claims that there is only one god, and that god or his son belongs their religion so other religions are without any god, so practicing them is waste of time. Jews thought christian philosophy is not right, after few centuries christians starting think that jews are burden to the world. Christrians (Extremists) claim that only their religion gives peace so get baptised, muslims (Extremists) think that rest of all religions are aginst god, so erase them, hindus(Extreamits) always think in vedas details about every techonlogy is written , thiers is the oldest civilization, as the stupid proverb goes, old is gold, thirs is best religion so every non-hindu must leave this country, dead or alive, or they should obey hindus n respect them.
Europeans thought having white skin is a great thing. They behaved with others as if having a black-skin is a sin. And we all know how colored people still struggling with that dogma.
I am working in an MNC so i am better than you as you are working for a domestic company. I am better than you, because i work in software , u work in non-software. I am better than you, because i am getting paid more than you.
Even the local political parties do the same thing, instead of talking about their own good qualities, they spend most of the time how rest of the parties are bad.
Cant we put an end to this? Cant to we treat the other person, in the same way we treat ourselves. Cant we eradicate the feeling of i-am-better-than-you. Cant we enjoy the equality even after school or college , where we enjoyed with our friends, freaking out and laughing with them irrespective of the academics or his/her family background? Lets give a thought about it.......