There was much argument on bringing political parties under RTI. I agree to that, but sadly none of political parties which preach transparency did not.
All the present media, both paper and electronic, propagate a particular ideology to the people. Of late, they have started cooking stories to make a news and entertain us. According to me, this is more dangerous than corrupt political parties.
Once, we start to build opinions based on unverifiable stories, that's the end of reason. If the reason is gone for a toss, then the assumption that people are sensible individuals capable of apply reason to make decision to some extent, on which concept of democracy is built, becomes false.
A law is important as media stopped educating people but instead started entertaining them like cinemas. The motto is to give people what they want to know, not what they have to know.
Attacks on Reliance stores which followed after few popular Telugu news channels stated a provocative discussion that Reliance industries made sure that Late CM YSR get killed pertaining to krishna-godavari basin. The source being a German website. Before, rest of the media started enlightenment that the source is not reliable, the damage was done.
If not RTI, at least we need an ombudsmen which force media to share the source of the news.