Better than high budget movies, I am beginning to like artistic, offbeat low budget movies. Let me be very clear, I am not talking about shakeela movies.
Recently I watched the "swamy ra ra", "Tere bin laden" , " The president is coming" and "pizza". I liked everyone of them. What's not to like?
Unlike in high budget movies, where , it's the stardom of the actors which pulls the audience to the theaters, where best movie is the one with highest budget and popularity of the movie is decided by number of theaters it was released. I always believed that, unless the fans watch the many times it's impossible for any movie to stay in theaters for that long. So, to trick the fans into movies many times and producers choose the stars with high stardom. Sadly, in India, stardom can also be achieved by belonging to a particular cast or by being offspring of a star. OK, I think I am going off the topic here.
I started liking low budgets movies, plays and short movies on YouTube, because they are not shy of experimentation. Their producers are more art lovers than business men. It's the response of critics they seek, not news paper pieces thrown at the screen. They don't aim at 200 days , 150 theaters. Without so called macho nature of heroes with heavy dialogs, item songs or compulsory fights resembling Bruce Lee fights, dumb characterization of heroines and most of all , dedicated comedians, plays seems to be fine. At least I get to see different story lines.
Predictability always kills art. Short movies don't have to bother about it, nor plays. Some low budget movies like " pilla zameendar" have predictable climax, but screen play compensates that.
Anyway, once I have moved from main stream art, the whole world of art started parading before me. Before that I am not aware of " La makaan" at Hyderabad which encourages young artists, now , I am a regular visitor there. I am watching old Hollywood movies, dubbed movies on world movies, modern plays. In other words, now I am that boring guy who watches art movies. I am enjoying this new change.