Monday, April 29, 2013

Clash of the kings

Second book in  "Song of ice and fire" by R.R. Martin. I found the first book interesting, and this one gripping. The war was initiated in the first and battles started in the second.

Personally I liked this book because, unlike other war stories, it didn't confine itself to strategies of war or how many got slyed etc etc. Author talked on how lords hated wars and how they tried to strike the peace. And how equations of society change in the time of war.

My favorite catcher , Tyrion Lannister, has bigger role than in the previous. I am happy for that. I really liked the way author portrayed the character of boy-king, for who ruling a kingdom is more of executing his wishes than looking after people.

The book has all the elements which made me to flip through pages. Love, betrayal, morals, magic , dragons and a story line which we can't predict. What else we need in a fantasy novel?

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