Thursday, May 22, 2014

Boys and Porn

Today , i stumbled upon this TEDx video by Ran Gariveli. The title is "Why i stopped watching porn". Seen a couple videos with similar title which fall under comedy category, but not this one.

In Min, the author explained, or lets say presented his treatise on how a simple thing like porn affects us in return how it changes the society.

Porn , bunch of videos or photographs , which gives us enough material to boost the imagination so that we can masturbate, have been a deciding factor how we treat sex. In the words of the speaker, sex is not just penetration. Its kind of twists the minds of teenagers , for who porn is always available , to think that, in sex, there is no role for hands. Where is the romance? Could they tell the difference between sex and love-making?

Another issue, the speaker pointed out is something i never thought of. That, porn is nothing but video graphed prostitution. Something to think over.

Another TED video discussing the same subject,

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