Monday, July 21, 2014

sceptical Patriot

If you are like me, who can remember history from school a bit, but not sure if the forward messages on India which are intended to feel proud of being Indian, like , India never invaded another country in the last ten thousand years etc etc . Then, this book is for you.

Author Sidin, busts some of the messages which get circulated on Facebook, email and on whatsapp. He dug into history and tried to bring out the truth. Well, that's just not what i liked in the book.

I admired the tone of the book in which author tried to present his views. His views are balanced, thought he busted the false pride we get from such messages, he maintained that India is great, and instead feeling pride of the actual Indian things, we thump our chests on nonsense. I admire the tone of the book in fact, if i had to write something like, i would dedicate at least one chapter to abuse idiots who forward such nonsense. However, he didn't do it.

The book is informative and covered variety of topics from Number theory to Radio technology, to greek mythology to analysis of GDP.

As the author wrote humours novels previously, and he tried put comedy in this book, Flipkart kept this book under humour section which derogatory to the topic. I wish they move it to non-fiction.

I didn't feel like i wasted money on this one, over all a good book.

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