Thursday, February 03, 2011

Revolution every 5yrs !!

I have read many blogs since the last weekend, and I noticed that some bloggers are anticipating an Egypt like revolution  in India. Some bloggers even wrote poems on it too. They are expecting a revolution which ends corruption in here and which will give good governance.

Right from the French revolution which happened 220yrs ago to the late Egypt one, the theme is same i.e people are pissed off because govt is not listening to them and there is no easy to way to replace this govt to the one which listens to them. This phenomenon usually happens in Monarchy and in dictatorship. So the cause of revolution is when people start to think that they have no influence on govt policies.

And democracy is the system when people are allowed to change the govt every five years if they are not happy with the way it worked. People were happy with the work of UPA-1 so they elected it again. People were happy with chandrababu nayudu’s performance in the his first four years tenure as CM and they elected him again. But they become unhappy in the second term and they said bye to him in 2004 elections!!

Egyptians  had to put up with Mr. Mubarak for 30yrs. Now they are going to streets to overthrow him. In democracy, people don’t need to wait decades together till their hatred towards the govt shoots up the roof. In democracy they change the govt periodically using the process called elections. No need to spill the blood or filling the jails for the sake of changing the govt. All we need is to…………… vote.


Weekend Politician (వీకెండ్ పొలిటీషియన్) said...

wow.. good post man. Seeing thoughts like this in young people like you strengthens my hope.

Anonymous said...

Good idea. Here, not just governments&politicians but majority people are also corrupt. Anyway, good attempt to restore order.

tankman said...

@weekend politician and snkr ... thankyou :)

కొత్త పాళీ said...

good analysis.
However, vote alone has not been able to solve the problems which have become systemic. At national level, BJP went and Cong came. at State level TDP went and Cong came. In any given place, there are two main rivals and power keeps shifting only between those two, while systemic problems like corruption etc take stronger and stronger root.

tankman said...

@కొత్తపాళీ ..thankyou, but the corruption is present in every political system. Nothing we can do to wash corruption out of the world, Its in the human nature. We can only adopt measure to keep it control by creating fear in leaders.

In the case of a.p you are right but when it comes to center ...its not cong and bjp its UPA and NDA. in coalition govt lot of factors influence it. Gone were the days where power is shared between two players. We can observe it in the latest a.p politics too

Change Maker said...

Corruption may be present every where in different shapes. But in developed world common man is not impacted by it in his day to day life directly or indirectly.

In third world, it is hell for common man, whether it is corruption or his basic rights and dignity. Your blood boils, when a retired employee has to bribe his own collegues to get his retirement benefits.

In Egypt you can put a face to your suffering, that is Mubarak. But in India, it is faceless, morphing into different shapes.

For vote , we need another alternative. Youngsters with zeal like you getting into politics. This generation making it a honorable profession.

It is going to happen by 2020

tankman said...

@baatasari....i agree with you