Tuesday, June 19, 2012

India's Politics: A view from the backbench

This book is written by Bimal Jalan , ex-RBI chairman and ex-MP. He had the honor of representing India in IMF and in World Bank.

When i picked up this book, i assumed that he will present me the point of view of an economist on Indian politics. But i was highly disappointed. He rambled on several pages on how few bills were passed in the parliament without properly discussing them and his observations on parliamentary proceedings.

He complained a lot, i felt like i was reading "The Hindu" news paper in book form. Later he presented some remedies to repair our political system.

Not a great book, a bit boring, well thats how backbenchers feel about every activity in the room. But it engaged me from Vizag to Hyderabad in Janmabhoomi Express.

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