Friday, June 15, 2012


Just wanted to watch a movie with my college buddies and we believed in two guys to bring tickets for a movie. Well, thats the mistake we did. They bought tickets for prometheus. As usual i started complaining about alien movies but my friends are used to it and dragged me into the theater anyway.

The concept was good and interesting. Alien movie means we all think that a bunch of ugly looking aliens invade earth and then will smith or Arnold will save it. But in this movie, humans go to aliens believing that they have engineered human race, based on rock pictures which were found in every prehistoric civilization. Those pictures seem to indicate the answers humans are looking for. From where we come? Where will we go after death ? And whats our purpose on earth ?

One old man, who is like me but filthy rich , wanted to escape death , sponsored the  mission to the other planet (Not in solar system) from where they believe the engineers of human race resided. They went with an anthropomorphic robot. They found  ships in that planet which are aimed to reach earth to and destroy it. In the mean while, one alien who was
woken up by the old man to know the remedy to death, kills few and  starts the ship to destroy  earth. Humans managed to destroy the ship and kill that alien. The lone survivor of the mission takes a ship of the aliens and set off to find out from where did those aliens come, along with that robot.

That was the story in a nutshell. But there are too many  loose ends. The screen play is horrible. There is no explanation for the octopus-looking thing which is killing aliens and humans. We have no idea why an alien killed it self in the first scene. No idea, why robot behaved in way as if its conspiring against humans.

When i started watching the movie, though i started with negative feelings about it, soon it captured my attention. The dialogs of the robot reminded me  Issac Asimov's  "i, robot", and i was waiting for the alien to give humanity a lecture on death, but instead it started killing like a moron.

This morning i have checked wikipedia to understand the  movie. It was mentioned that, the directors and producers are planning for a sequel to explain the loose ends. Idiots!!

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