Tuesday, July 02, 2013

An Open Letter Chetan Bhagat

Dear Mr. Bhagat,

             Early in the morning , before even finishing my first cup of tea, i happened to read your Letter from an Indian Muslim. The writing style is great, but the point you tried to send across is not.

First of all, before even talking on politics, topi, muslims and Babri issue, lets talk about a simple topic of "Who needs a leader?". The deprevided or oppressed group of people needs a leader to voice out their problems. For that the group must have the same problem which they want to get rid off.

Now please explain, what is the common problem , all the muslims unitedly facing. Is it poverty, no , not all of them are poor. Is it description, no, because if it is so, none of my muslim friends would invite me to their home. So, what is that problem all Indian Muslims are facing. None, by none, i mean there no one issue, which can be attributed to all indian muslim.

The point being is , there are two types of secularisms. The western and indian. Western secularism   ask us to throw away every religion out of politics and indian secularism ask us to treat every religion equally. There lies the problem. To treat both hindus and muslims equally, naturally the attention per capita of muslim is more than hindu. So, right wing people started calling seculars "sickulars". The neutral who rarely gave importance to religion became sceptical of seculars.  These things, started dividing the people. Now, you want indian muslims to have a leadership, just like RSS claims leadership of all the Hindus.

However luckily, we indians, mostly kept religion at home. Majority of us, dont identify us with religion. If that is the case, all hindus must be voting BJP and the party would never lose an election. The same thing applies to muslims too. Not everyone of them is inferior to live in a hindu dominated nation, not every one of them is sporting a beard without mustache to let people identify his religion, not every muslim girl wears a burqa or a hijab.

Mr. Bhagat, not only muslim youth of india, the whole youth of india needs jobs. Dont apply color of religion to every social issue. And stop, viewing them as aliens who needs support. The poor every religion in india needs support, the patient of every religion in india needs a doctor, the youth of every religion in india needs employment, the people of every religion needs protection from terrorism , and the rich of every religion must be taxed. You want indian muslim to feel fear, excluded from the society and lonely.

I give you credit for making youth take up of the hobby of reading books, but your views suck in politics.

Citizen of India .


Dolly said...
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Indian Minerva said...

"The point being is , there are two types of secularisms. The western and indian. Western secularism ask us to throw away every religion out of politics and indian secularism ask us to treat every religion equally."

Righto!! This is "Great The Indian Flaw"

Are you a Chetaner? I am a Sheldoner? Sidney Scheldoner.