Thursday, December 30, 2010

w/o Rama Vs. w/o Caesar

The so called intellectual journalists of Indian media started writing articles on how the stubbornness of opposition over JPC lead to 240cr loss as each day of parliament running cost is around 6cr.
Can we forget about 2G scam and move forward in parliamentary sessions for the sake of running costs? My answer would be a big NO. Its like forgetting about a murder case, because the investigation, the judgment  and the punishment to the guilty wont bring the man alive. And we cant neglect those because god is going to punish him anyway.  The philosophy behind giving the punishment is not always to undo the injustice that has happened in the past. Sometimes its to create fear if anybody wants to do the same crime in the future.   If we suspect that a crime happened, a proper investigation should be conducted and punishment must be given.
The major tussle over 2G scam is not to find the guilty but on deciding who is to investigate. Opposition believes that only a JPC can do the job, Govt argues that its not necessary, as PAC is already doing the same kind of thing.The major difference between PAC and JPC is , JPC has the power to call a minister and question him. PAC wont have that power. Are we going to investigate india’s biggest scam, with a committee which does not have the powers to question ministers?
Well, the Indian motto is “Truth Alone Triumphs” ( satyameva jayathe), cant truth in 2G scam triumph through JPC? If there is only truth, does it matter who finds it? And our prime minister made a reference to Caesar's wife saying that “ I believe that like Caesar’s wife, PM should be above suspicion” , forget about ceasar’s wife,  this is the great land where wife of greatest lord of this land had to jump in the fire to prove her purity. And that’s what opposition wants him to be, a sita who jumps before JPC .

1 comment:

a l mohan said...

unconditoinally i endorse your view.but there is one hitch.manmohan is no sita to test his integrity unless instructed by his italian godmother.long back satye meva jayathe proved to be an ornamental lofty saying.bigger the scams greater will be the attempts ,fair or fail to hush up.