Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Right questions and wrong answers !!

We all are bugged with the question 'Why', perpetually.  This is the question which pops up in the head when something is bothering us. Why my life sucks? Why i am not getting a job? Why she hates me? Why he hit me? etc etc.

At a personal level, the question is not so problematic. But if the subject is society, the "Why" is the first step of disaster, if its not answered by right answer. Once there is an answer for "Why", we get satisfied with that answer without checking if it is the correct answer or not. And we stop looking for answers after the answer which we want to believe in is delivered.  Asking questions like an over-excited anchor of news channel is simple, throwing some statements with a style and make us believe that is the right answer like our News editors do is also not so hard. But deciding which is the right answer is the pain.

Why there is an epidemic in the village? Because village deity is furious and make some sacrifices to calm her down.

After world war 1, after winners put sanctions on Germany, leading to near collapse of its economy, Germans asked "Why our lives become like this?" And Hitler answered "Because of Jews, kill them".

"Why real world is not utopia?" Karl Marx answered "Because of capitalism and so called personal freedom, kill those "

"Why i am suffering?" , priest answered "Because you are unfaithful to god" and i started going to Temples.

Now my question, is the answer we get is the right answer for the question? Like in school days, somebody has to evaluate answers given to the questions. But who evaluate? On what grounds he should decide that one answer is right and rest are wrong? 



Indian Minerva said...

After mulling over this issue for some time, I had come to the conclusion that there are no right/wrong answers but just most-popular answers, not-so-popular answers and I-like-this-answer-most answers. For there is not right/ wrong.

Since there is right or wrong and even if it exists we, with our limited exposure to the world could not figure our, we settle for the next best - most-popular answers. And want to make speedier-peace with the part of the brain that asks questions.

tankman said...

right ...popular, non-popular is subjective ,