Thursday, August 01, 2013

Where is home?

Just watched a TED video Where is home? Nice video.

The person produced some important points on "Feeling home", but drifted towards kind of spirituality later. He confined his idea of home to a  psychological thing in the era of Global-Village. But, I believe the feeling of home has a sociological factor also. In the end he says "Home is where you stand" , and my point is that a person should be allowed to stand at that point first. Its been thousand years Arabs invaded and settled down in India, and many so-called-native-descendants deny that its their homeland too. Still, people fight with each other because of the question "From where you are?"

Before we try to get the GPS location of the HOME, i think first we have to understand what home is. Is it the place where we are comfortable? then Hotels should be the answer. But no, we dont feel "home" in a hotel , no matter how many stars it has. Is it the safest place? Again, no. If safety is the criteria to call a structure, home, then prisons are the safest places, but people try to run away from them.  Is it the place we are familiar with ? Then office buildings can be called homes.

I think all those factors along with many other constitute a HOME. Its the place, where i am always welcome, a place where i can hide , where all my belongings will be present, where i feel safe, where i can enter and exit at my will, where i am sure that i dont have to fight , place where i need not be ashamed to go , where i am familiar with the surroundings (my grandparents were happy to sell their home to buy a new one, but could not leave the town) , most importantly, a place i was habituated to live.

I too agree that, home is not just a  structure. Its an idea. I could not understand, if we develop the idea from the structure we are living in, or we build the structure according to the idea, or its both?  My father, who spent his childhood in congested area, built an individual home in the outskirts leaving much space around the house for gardening. And I, want to live in an apartment at the heart of the city. And few of my friends whats to live in their parents home without any changes. May be, disliking-parents-home runs in my family!

Home is a place i am willing to feel like that, and a place where people around me encourage me to do so. How about having no such feeling at all? Then i am homeless and restless. How about developing that feeling of home for all places, then i will be a nomad , but a happy person.

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