If anybody believes that a boring film in documentary style is an art film , so a great film, then this movie is for them.
Ship of Theseus is a philosophical question , " If all parts of a ship are replaced, then is it original ship or not . " The director tried to use that in organ donation , but , failed.
The movie depicts lifestyles of organ recovers more than anything to do with the philosophical question. I think he should have pictured the lives of receivers after transplantation was done. The way director portrayed the kidney-business is good. That is the only part not boring in the entire movie.
Not to worry, there is comedy too. I was giggling like a school kid at a scene which shows how to put deadpan to an old lady with broken leg, including pre and post washing of it.
Two things
1. I think in Freakonomics (or Super Freakonomics) ther author argues that Khomeini allowing the kidneys to be sold is a good thing for it has helped the needy to trade where as in the supposedly civilized western world, the only way to acquire a kidney is though a black market or to wait till eternity to acquire the same through legal channels.
2. "If all parts of a ship are replaced, then is it original ship or not" That's a good question. Isn't it. For the people who believe in the existence of an essence (or soul) the answer is yes. I asked a similar question when I went to bike remodeling shoppie. When guy said "This is pulsor", I corrected him saying "This was a pulsor" :)
I think, transplanting the organs like liver, kidney (the organs we don't think with) would not be altering the image of man. Brain should be different story.
Now I think I can answer the question of "Who am I". Mostly I am what my memories are.
:) i think therefore i am
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