Wanted to read this book by Alexander Dumas since I watched the movie with the same name. Like any other 'movie out of a book' even this movie deviated from the actual novel a lot. The theme of the book is having revenge who ruined hero's life for selfish reasons , but the way in which protagonist escaped from the prison by taking place of a dead guy was used in many movies and books. It was used in 'prisoner of birth' by Jeffry Archor, used by Captain Jack Sparrow in Pirates of Caribbean Dead mans chest and even by our Chiranjeevi in the movie called Veta.
If you had not watched the movie then I suggest watch the movie first and then read the book. Initially both have the same plot, but they have different story lines. So even you watch the movie before the reading the book, you cant miss the suspense.
Though its about revenge, the author ends by saying that, all the human wisdom is contained in the words "wait and hope".
Note: If you are having trouble remembering the characters just like me, then use wikipedia. The article has all the family trees which are present in the novel. Very helpful.

Though its about revenge, the author ends by saying that, all the human wisdom is contained in the words "wait and hope".
Note: If you are having trouble remembering the characters just like me, then use wikipedia. The article has all the family trees which are present in the novel. Very helpful.
Hmm .. I was a bit disappointed by your brief and superficial treatment here.
Count of Monte Cristo is one of the best novels ever written in any language worldwide.
Two things to watch when you read the book -
a) Make sure it is full version and not abridged.
b) Since the original was in French, there are several different English translations. Your enjoyment of the book depends a lot on how good the translation is.
Great novel.
@kottapaali ... i am pretty sure i read the full one, the book is around 500 pages and i could not find name of the translator .
Yes, i have to agree that its one of great book i read and that greatness of it motivated me to blog on it. But i could not write about it in length, because its about revenge, if i had to write about he revenge , then i am killing the suspense in it.
But i had to say this, the prison life is depicted in the movie is touching than the book, but rest of the movie is like a bollywood movie and could not steal the greatness from the book. The book wins over the movie again.
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