Friday, July 06, 2012

Life without a phone !!

Many complain that phone is disturbing their normal life, and life without it is cool. I disagree.

Phone is not the reason, its our inability to handle pestering calls makes life miserable. Why blame phone for that. In fact, after i lost my android, my life became boring and tedious.

Now i have to go to computer to check emails, to make railway reservations, to book movie tickets, to recharge my mobile, to pay bills, to check my bank balance, to write blog posts, to read newspaper, to buy or sell shares.  I dont have smartphone, so , i have to read the paperbacks, and use those irritating bookmarks whenever i stop reading. Now i have to open that bulky Cambridge dictionary to check meaning of a word.

No phone means, no google maps and i have to ask strangers for directions,  whose probability of being right is not 100%. When i had it, i just have put ear phones on , set the directions and my phone will give me the audio directions wherever i required. It was easy to find a petrol bunk or appolo pharmacy or a coffee day with a smart phone. Now i have to stop the bike and ask people.

Now i have to rely on google or newspapers to know which movie is being played at which theater. I have to write down , to remember things as there is no smart phone with calender.  No alarm, no camera, no emergency flash light, no twitter news,  ....... life without a smart phone sucks (Once got used to it)

Monday, July 02, 2012

Dressed to get raped ?

Whenever a rape case surfaces, first feminists occupy the TV screen condemning it, then "analysts" will steal the show by raising questions on ' character of the victim'. Like how revealing her dress before the act, how many tequilas she had , how flirtatious she was etc etc.

Based on these analysis, " traditionalists " will complain  about the freedom of  women in the society and how western culture is influencing us.

Then again feminists come to picture with an answer to traditionalists. As they have already on TV for this issue before, they had to confine them selves to op-eds this time. Now, their point is , ask rapists not to rape and stop asking women to be inside.

Well, i agree with traditionalists at some level. The counter argument offered by feminists sounds dumb to me. Its like  saying " i wont lock my home but ask the thief not to rob me". As Friedrich Nietzsche indicates, men are only good till they get a chance. Then why give good men a chance to become bad.

 It does not mean i am supporting traditionalists. They tend to link every negative incident to the change in culture. The sexual harassment is everywhere, including rural areas. TV channels dont popularize them because the victims are not so photogenic.

Rapist, he wants to have sex with a girl and cant be reasoned. But whats wrong with girls keeping a pepper spray or something like that with them. The pepper spray might not give 100% protection , but it could help.

But there a point, where i agree with feminists. Why media is trying to show more of victim details than the rapist ?