Sunday, December 22, 2013

Beyond Coffee by Khadir Babu

Picked this book at Hyderabad book festival. Picked it,only because its written by Khadir Babu, the author of Polerammaband kathalu and Dargamitta kathalu.

Its a collection of short stories. Except for one story, most of them are based on upper middle class or upper class where the characters either tend to jump into an illicit relationship or make their lives miserable out of boredom. I might be undermining the theme in a line, but the old saying " An idle mans mind is devils workshop" is true, and author tried to elaborate it with stories, only, its not a mans mind, its women's mind he talked about.

I have never finished a collection of short stories which are not related with each other, like , Malgudi Days ( Which reminds me that i am yet to finish that book ), but, the style of author is too gripping to loosen the grip on the book and not to turn pages.

Overall, a good read, however i strongly feel, its overrated, Rs 135 for few stories which can be finished in couple of hours is not acceptable.