Friday, November 26, 2010

The End of Charisma

Recently people of Bihar re-elected Nitish Kumar as their CM. And everybody praising Nitish for development of Bihar. I agree to that.

But the poll results shows more than that. It shows that personal-charisma might not work all the time when it comes to elections.

BJP has won the election without bringing hidutva and anything related to it. It has done the feat without taking the help of Narendra Modi or Varun Gandhi in election campaign. So it is actually possible to get votes without raising the topic of religion.

People once again laughed at Lalu’s jokes in election campaign and made him a laughing stock after the elections. So vote-for-laugh wont work anymore. It was proven 5 years back that caste lost his control over Bihar politics and its proved once again.

The charisma of “pretty face of congress, the future PM, the saviour of indian politics, the representative of young india sri sri sri Rahul Gandhi” did not work either. He must be wondering how come his charisma worked in neighbouring state UP  but not in Bihar.

The charisma of leaders did not help the BJP to win, and it could not save RJD and Congress from losing. 

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